
ECTRI co-signatory of Join Statement for an Ambitious FP10

In shaping FP10, ECTRI, together with 110 other European associations representing key RD&I stakeholders, urges the EU Institutions to significantly increase the current budget for FP10 and to make pan-European collaborative research the cornerstone of this programme.

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ETRR journal excels with new record metrics

This year, we are proud to report a significant increase across all journal metrics, with our Impact Factor rising to 5.1 (2 years) from the previous 4.3!

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ECTRI unveils its position on FP10 and Future Partnerships

Read our recommendations here.

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ECTRI draws its suggestions to the EC's Horizon Europe Work Programme 2025

As stated in our strategy 2021-2030, ECTRI is committed to provide independent, evidence-based advice to decisions makers in Europe. Read our response to this consultation here.

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TRA2024 - Highlights on a Memorable EventĀ 

Thanks as well to all stakeholders and partners engaged in the different TRA Committees for contributing to draw such a rich and diverse programme, and for the great collaboration. ECTRI was glad to be part of that journey.

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ETC 2024

ETC 2024

ETC 2024