Washington, D.C., USA – January 8–12, 2017 This year the spotlight theme was “Transportation Innovation: Leading the Way in an Era of Rapid Change”. As in previous years, ECTRI contributed [...]
International Conference: Intelligent Transport Systems: a Tool or a Toy?
Žilina, Slovakia – November 22 – 23, 2016 Several Members took part of the event, where Jorge Alfonso Kurano ITS expert from UPM represented ECTRI with presentation on “ITS and Research: Challenges [...]
Barcelona, Spain – October 5-7, 2016 The conference was supported by ECTRI and ECTRI Member CENIT. ECTRI was present at ETC 2016 Exhibition, promoting ECTRI, its Members and its activities, the ETRR [...]
The ITF’s 2016 Summit on Green and Inclusive Transport took place on 18- 20 May 2016. The event explored the importance of low-carbon transport as an essential element in the [...]
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – May 17-19, 2016 This conference is organized every two years by ECTRI Member VTI. In 2016 the conference was expanded to Brazil, South America, and [...]
NECTAR Joint Cluster 2 and Cluster 3 International Workshop
Brno, Czech Republic – May 17-18, 2016 The workshop was organized by ECTRI Member CDV and the best papers of conference were conference was published in ETRR as a topical collection. [...]
Warsaw, Poland – April 18-21, 2016 ECTRI was present with a stand at the TRA Marketplace, promoting ECTRI, its Members and its activities, the SETRIS project and ETRR journal with [...]
Washington D.C., USA – January 10-14, 2016 This Annual Meeting was a special occasion, as ECTRI celebrated 10 years of cooperation with TRB. Two events took place with ECTRI support. [...]
7th International Conference on Transport Research
Athens, Greece – November 5-6, 2015 ECTRI Member Hellenic Institute of Transport (H.I.T.) and the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (H.I.T.E.) organised the “7th International Congress on Transportation Research” with the [...]
Bordeaux, France – October 5-9, 2015 The ITS Congress and Exhibition is the world’s largest event in intelligent transport systems and services. Through the main theme “Towards Intelligent Mobility – [...]
Frankfurt, Germany – September 28-30, 2015 ECTRI was an official sponsor of the event. The Association identified the following themes for the 2015 conference: Urban Mobility, Automated Driving and Smart Mobility, Investment [...]
ECTRI and the Climate – Future needs for European Transport Research on Climate Change Issues
Paris, France – July 6, 2015 Presentation given during an ETRA one-day Workshop on “Transport & Climate Change: European Researchers Act”, accredited as a side event from CFCC2015 “Our Common Future under [...]
Washington, D.C., USA – January 11-15, 2015 The theme of the 2015 TRB Annual Meeting was “Corridors to the Future: Transportation and Technology”. In the framework of the ECTRI-TRB Memorandum of Understanding, [...]
Ageing and Safe Mobility – A European Interdisciplinary Conference
Bergisch Gladbach, Germany – November 27-28, 2014 ECTRI coorganised with other key stakeholders a Conference on ‘Ageing and Safe Mobility‘ at the BASt premises in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany. ECTRI nominated the key speaker Rob Methorst, [...]
Knowledge 4 Innovation Forum in cooperation with Technology Partners Foundation
Brussels, Belgium – November 19, 2014 On November 19, ECTRI President G. Giannopoulos presented the ECTRI position at the 6th European Innovation Summit session “Towards a better European Transport System” [...]