CHTS CCC Webinar 2 Resilience of Urban Transportation Systems - Strength in Diversification
After the successful running of the Mobility Management Meetings (MMM) in 2021, the China Highway Transportation Society (CHTS) organized a new series of online events together with International Partners on [...]
The 2022 Summit took place from 18 to 20 May 2022 in Leipzig, Germany, under the theme “Transport for Inclusive Societies”. More than 80 sessions and side events explored various [...]
The ITF Pre-Summit Research Day 2022 was held on May 17 in Leipzig, under the topic of “Transport for Inclusive Societies”. The objective of the event is to foster stronger [...]
5th European conference on results from road transport R&I in H2020 projects
On March 29 and 30, in Brussels, ECTRI attended the 5th European conference on results from road transport R&I in Horizon 2020 projects. This event was jointly organized by the [...]
On February 16 and 17, 2022, ECTRI official representatives took part to the high-level meeting on automated and connected driving (HLM-CAD), organized under the French Presidency of the Council of [...]
PIARC XVI World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress
Together with US TRB, ECTRI organised a foresight session on “Resilience Frameworks and Metrics for Road Stakeholders”, on February 8, 2022 at PIARC XVI World Winter Congress. This years’ virtual [...]
The TRB 101st Annual Meeting took place from 9 to 13 of January in Washington, D.C. The focus theme for the 2022 Conference was Innovating an Equitable, Resilient, Sustainable, and [...]
FEHRL’S FIRM Infrastructure Research meeting, took place from 7 to 8 of December 2021, under the theme “Innovative roads for everyone’s mobility”. The ECTRI President, Evangelos Bekiaris (CERTH-HIT) joined the [...]
‘Mobility re-imagined’ was the core theme for MOVE 2021, which took place at ExCeL London, from 9th to 10th November 2021. With over 300 speakers there was an incredible range [...]
The 27th ITS World Congress organised by ERTICO – ITS Europe, hosted by the city of Hamburg and supported by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, took place from 11-15 October [...]
Connecting Europe Express (CEE) – Berlin Conference
On the 30th of September the main German event accompanying the passing of the Connecting Europe Express through Germany was held in the Technology Museum in Berlin. The Connecting Europe [...]
The International Mobility Summit, took place from 20 – 24 September 2021, online and in person in Copenhagen on 23 September 2021. This event brought together the global mobility community, [...]
The 2021 European Transport Conference took place online, from 13 to 15 of September. In the frame of the ECTRI-AET MoU, ECTRI officially supports ETC – the European Transport Conference. [...]
The 2021 ITF Annual Summit, took place online from 26 to 28 May 2021, addressing the “Transport Innovation for Sustainable Development: Reshaping Mobility in the Wake of Covid-19”. Several sessions summary, [...]
The ITF 2021 ITF Pre-Summit Research Day, took place online on 11-12 May 2021 and organised by the ITF, together with ECTRI, the US TRB and the WCTRS. The objective [...]