Lyon, France – December 8-12, 2008
This event was organised by INRETS in the frame of the French EU Presidency, on 8-12 December in Lyon, France; it was strongly supported by ECTRI. Actually, ECTRI was involved in several ways: ECTRI held its Board and Assembly Meetings, during which the new Board for 2009-2011 was elected. Seven ECTRI Thematic Working Groups also met during the week, in order to produce three contributions: a matrix of competencies, a strategic research agenda and ideas for the 7th Framework Programme update (2010- 2011). See presentation: ECTRI Thematic Working Groups (500,10 Ko), made by Niels Buus Kristensen, ECTRI Board member during the Plenary Session on 11 December 2008. These contributions, especially ideas for FP7 update, have been taken into account in a final deliverable issued by INRETS early 2009.
After the Opening Ceremony, where Christian Piehler from DLR, Germany presented: ECTRI & ETRR and the EUFP Event (696,81 Ko) ECTRI experts participated in the event’s transversal sessions: Barbara Lenz from DLR, Germany, presented: Gender Equality in the ECTRI Framework (107,15 Ko) during the Gender Equality Session; Cristina Pronello, from POLITO, Italy, presented: What are we doing for the young researchers. ECTRI reply (63,60 Ko) during the Young Researchers Session; Christian Piehler, from DLR, Germany, presented Management & Governance: The ECTRI Approach (522,12 Ko) during the Management & Governance Session.
The Closing Session, during which the ‘Lyon Declaration‘ was signed, was addressed by Guy Bourgeois, ECTRI President. He made a presentation of the declaration: Presentation of the declaration of Lyon (60,50 Ko).
The event also hosted the YRS 2009 Steering Committee meeting, which took place on December 10 and aimed to review and select the young researchers’ abstracts.
You can download the Summary proceedings and the contribution to the update of FP7 made by the partners of the French EU Presidency event.
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