ERTRAC 20th Anniversary

ERTRAC marked a significant milestone as it celebrated its 20th anniversary, with a two-day event on July 5-6 in Brussels.

The event brought together members of the transport research community, fostering knowledge sharing and enlightening discussions about innovation for mobility.

ECTRI Members, Ingrid Skogsmo, VTI & ECTRI President, and Maria Morfoulaki, CERTH-HIT and ECTRI TG Mobility’s rapporteur, provided their insights respectively in the safety and urban mobility sessions (presentations available below).

The achievements of the past two decades stand as a testament to the collective efforts and collaboration among ERTRAC’s members to accelerate innovation and shape the future of transportation. ECTRI is glad to have contributed, as a member of ERTRAC representing research providers, to this journey since ERTRAC’s inception back in 2003.

Photo credits: ERTRAC and ECTRI


Road Safet Session Keynote by Ingrid Skogsmo (VTI & ECTRI President) (pdf)

The sustainable mobility planning in metropolitan, suburban & peri-urban areas by Maria Morfoulaki (CERTH-HIT, ECTRI TG Mobility) (pdf)