Budapest, Hungary – October 29 – 31, 2003

ECTRI association was present at the 50th Anniversary of the ECMT during the 16th International Symposium on Theory and Practice in Transport Economics. This Symposium is organised every three years by the European Conference of Ministers of Transport and brings together representatives of Governments, national administrations, universities, research institutes, consultancy services, organisations representing transport operators, workers and users and international organisations. ECTRI President, Professor Georgios Giannopoulos, was rapporteur for the Topic 2: “Competition and regulation : substitutes or complements?”. Moreover, ECTRI’s presence through a booth at the exhibition allowed us to make some new contacts with potential members and also to explain ECTRI’s work to a number of people who visited the exhibition between two conferences.

16th Symposium – 50 Years of Transport Research: Experience Gained and Major Challenges Ahead