Join us at the ITF 2024 Summit “Spotlight on Research Sessions”

Are you attending ITF 2024 Summit  from 22 to 24 May in Leipzig, Germany? Join us for the “Spotlight on Research Sessions”.

For the second year as part of the main Summit programme and complementing the core sessions, the “Spotlight on Research sessions” will reinforce the objective of supporting policy makers to plan their actions for the coming years, with knowledge and insights from researchers.

As part of the cooperation with ITF, ECTRI together with TRB, the European Commission and WCTRS, is glad to be co-organising three sessions, under the Summit Theme “Greening Transport: Keeping Focus in Times of Crisis”.

  • May 22, 11h00-12h30 “Shaping Cities for Sustainable and Inclusive Accessibility”, CCL HALL 3
  • May 23, 16h30-18h00 “Bridging the Gap for Wider ZEV Uptake”, CCL HALL 3
  • May 24, 9h00-10h30 “Planning for Transport Adaptation and Mitigation”, CCL HALL 3

We are glad that Alexandra König (DLR) & Alexandra Millonig (AIT), two experts from ECTRI members, have been selected to present their work in the first session.

Join us to reflect and share perspectives on these topics, with research experts, senior-level practitioners, policy makers and strategists.

We look forward to seeing you in Leipzig!