
Young reseachers seminar 2005

Steering Committee | Scientific Programme | Social Programme | Papers | Speakers | Venue | Accomodation | Fees | Pictures

Session 1: Road User Behaviour

Magnus Hjamdahl, VTI: Who needs ISA anyway? - Oral presentation

Nicolas Dapzol, INRETS : Driver's behaviour modelling using the Hidden Markov Model formalism - Oral presentation

Session 1bis : Road Engineering

Paraic Rattigan, NRA: The dynamic amplification on Highway bridges due to traffic flow - Oral presentation

Trevor Bradbury, TRL: Environmentally Optimised Design of Low Volume Sealed Roads in Sub Tropical and Tropical Climates
Oral presentation

Ellemieke van Lamoen, AVV: Setting-up a new travel survey concept without causing a trend break - Oral presentation

Session 1ter : Sustainable development

Göran Blomqvist, VTI: Indicators for monitoring the system of de-icing salt use and its impacts on groundwater, vegetation and societal assets - Oral presentation

Rocio Cascajo, UPM: Assessement of economic, social and environmental effects af rail urban projects - Oral presentation

Session 2: ITS

Hanne Samstad, TOI: Transport information and role of the Public sector - Oral presentation

Juliette Marais, INRETS: Sattelite propagation analysis in a masking environment for GNSS applications - Oral presentation

Marielle van Dijk, DWW: Stop innovating now! How innovation kills creativity - Oral presentation

Session 2bis: Road Safety

Sandra Vieira-Gomez, LNEC: Low-cost engineering measures for casualty reduction. Application on the national road network
Oral presentation

Silke Rittner, Bast: Experiences concerning the annual inspection of bodies supporting agencies responsible for assessing driver's aptitude
Oral presentation

Frank Prücher, Bast: Computer based training and dring simulators in driver training - Oral presentation

Session 2ter: Economics

Georges Haralampous, HIT: The contribution of the "Sea Motorways" to the European Transport Policy - Oral presentation

Tamas Veress, KTI: Public-private partnerships in highway constructions: theories and the Hungarian Practice - Oral presentation

Stanislav Kutacek: Effectiveness analysis of State subsidies into accompanied combined transport line

Session 3: Drinking and Driving

Wenda Bruins, AVV: How to improve traffic safety by reducing the number of alcohol offenders? - Oral presentation

Nicolas Lemaire, ISBR: Technical evaluation: ACS and Dräger breath alcohol ignition interlocks - Oral presentation

Peter Silverans, ISBR: A belgian qualitative trial on alcohol ignition interlocks - Oral presentation

Catherine Inwood, TRL: Survey of drink-drivers and their attittudes, intentions, beliefs and behaviours - Oral presentation

Session 3bis: Sustainable Development

Jérôme Verny, INRETS: The problem of uncoupling between freight transport and economic growth - Oral presentation

Alessia Gaia, POLITO: How to estimate the social cost of transport - Oral presentation

Anu Tuominen, VTT: The significance of organisation-environment relations in the development of sustainable transport system in Finland

Anne Ventura, LCPC: A global tool for environment assessment of roads - Applications for Road Building - Oral presentation

Session 3ter: Modelling

Roar Norvik, ADM: Processing traffic data for statistical use; the Norvegian methods - Oral presentation

Anne Madslien, TOI: Development of a Regional (short distance) Transport Model System in Norway - Oral presentation

George Lunt, TRL: Vehicle re-identification using induction loop data - Oral presentation

Maja Popovic, TU Belgrade: Survey of expert's opinion as base for creating an expert system for split modelling - Oral presentation

Session 4: Road User Behaviour

Sofie Boets, ISBR: AGILE - Fitness to drive assessement of elderly drivers: pilot study validation methodology - Oral presentation

Marlene Rishoj-Kjaer, DTF: Differences in elderly drivers' subjective and objective risk assessement - Oral presentation

Iva Hanzlikova, CDV: Professional drivers: the source of occupational stress - Oral presentation

Session 4bis: Road Safety

Vojtech Eksler, CDV: Comparison of national policies and road safety performance indicators as the key to understand major road safety problems of CEE countries - Oral presentation

Charlotte Bax, SWOV: Cooperation and organization in decision making a more decisive road safety policy - Oral presentation

Anders Godal-Holt, ADM: Road safety Lillehammer - Towards vision zero - Oral presentation

Session 4ter : Sustainable Development

Charlotte Burke, TRL: Travel behaviour change as a strategy to tackle poor air quality in West London - Oral presentation

Peter van Breugel, DWW: A search for air quality measures near highways - Oral presentation

Miguel Mateos Arribas, UPM: HOV lanes contribution to sustainable mobility: a Spanish perspective

Session 5: Economics

Pim Warffemius, AVV: Using the standard deviation of the travel time distribution as an indicator for valuing the reliability of travel time
Oral presentation

Erik Amdal, ADM: Curbing operational costs of road user charging schemes: the Norvegian experience - Oral presentation

Anne Kjerkreit, ADM: User's attittudes towards road user charges: a time series analysis of the Oslo toll ring - Oral presentation

Session 5bis: Road Engineering

Darko Kokot, ZAG: Transport safety - evaluating skidding distance - Oral presentation

Fatima Alexandra Batista, LNEC: Asphalt cold mixtures for pavement rehabilitation overlays and recycling - Oral presentation

Anne Beeldens, BRRC: Permeable blocks paving to store and drain water from heavy thunderstorms: results of a Belgian research project
Oral presentation

Session 6: Accident research

Emmanuelle Amoros, INRETS: Epidemiologic knowledge of road crash casualties in France: under-reporting characteristics and injury severity misclassification - Oral presentation

Pierre-Jean Arnoux, INRETS: Develpment, implementation and evaluation of FE human body models for virtual trauma identification

Tobias Verbeke, ISBR: Seat belt wearing in Belgium - Results of the first two nationalwide road side surveys - Oral presentation

Martin Vergeiner, KFV: REGINA - Oral presentation

Session 6bis: ITS

Robert Louwerse, SWOV: ADAS safety impacts on rural and urban distributor roads - Oral presentation

Stefan Lorkowski, DLR: New ITS applications for metropolitan areas based on floating car data - Oral presentation

Raphaël Labayrade, LCPC: Generic real time and robust road obstacles detection on board stereovision

Felipe Jimenez Alonso, UPM: Experimental analysis of vehicle dynamics - Oral presentation

Session 7: Road User Behaviour

Michel Lambers, AVV: A road authority's struggle with human factors - Oral presentation

Maura Houtenbos, SWOV: The role of expectations in interaction behaviour between car drivers - Oral presentation

Sixten Nolen, VTI: Could commitment contacts and helmet subsidies increase helmet wearing among adult cyclists? - Oral presentation

Session 7bis: Congestion

Davy Decock, BRRC: A study on the setting up of mandatory routes for freight transport in Brussels capital region - Oral presentation

Andras Szele, KTI: Characteristics of the congestion's in Budapest - Oral presentation

Anna Schirokoff, VTT: Development of a R&D programme for Road traffic information - Oral presentation

Session 7ter: Road engineering

Maria Lapietra, POLITO: The influence of verbal and non verbal language manipulation on date quality - Oral presentation

Michal Karkowski, IBDIM: New data acquisition system for road weather monitoring stations - Oral presentation

Ringo Liebscher, FHG-IVI: Informational support of public transport operations in exceptional situations - Oral presentation
