
Working Group
Hard Research Facilities

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The Working Group on Hard Research Facilities' mission was the establishment of an European transport research facilities agenda. Its aims were :

boutonTo establish an European transport research facilities agenda by distinguishing existing and new ones

boutonTo discuss while taking into account the ECTRI survey, INTRANSNET and TREE projects surveys all the elements contained in an integrated infrastructure initiative such as: opening, access to existing, survey on new needs and the scope of these elements

boutonTo define the areas which are most suitable for such new infrastructures and their roles for research, certification or testing

FHG was moderator of this Working Group and DLR, HIT, INRETS, TNO, TRL, UPM, VTI and VTT and participated in this activity.

One of the actions of the WG was the preparation of a report on ECTRI research infrastructures, Survey results issued in May 2002.



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