We are excited to inform that the report from the 7th EU-US Transportation Research Symposium on “Global Pathways to Net-Zero: Behavioural, Social, and Technological Research and Innovation Strategies for Transportation Decarbonisation”, held on June 11-12, 2024, at the National Academies of Sciences in Washington, DC, USA has been published by the Publications Office of the European Union.
This Symposium was a collaborative effort between the European Commission (EC) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), supported by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) and the EU-funded SYMPEUS project (involving ECTRI Member VTI, ECTRI and VDI/VDE-IT).
Bringing together 50 selected experts (25 each from the EU and US), the Symposium focused on:
– Foster EU-US collaboration
– Identify innovative strategies for decarbonising transportation
– Drive the transition to a sustainable and digitally integrated future
The discussions revolved around four key topic areas:
1️. Accelerating the Transition to Electrification and Alternative Fuels
2️. Ensuring a Just Transition to Net-Zero Transport
3️. Leveraging Digitalisation, AI, and System-of-Systems Technologies for Decarbonisation
4️. Implementing Sustainable and Resilient Land Use and Transportation System Design
The report, now publicly available, outlines:
📌 Strategic recommendations for EU-US collaboration
📌 Priority research questions in transport decarbonisation
📌 Key insights for research programming and policy-level collaborations
This effort continues a tradition of EU-US symposia, fostering knowledge exchange and joint research on critical transportation topics.
Access the report here: https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/428ef9f0-bb62-11ef-91ed-01aa75ed71a1
Thank you to all experts for their contributions, and in particular to Sophie Punte for her work as rapporteur for the EU report.
The results of the report have been further promoted during the 104th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (TRBAM) in Washington D.C., with the dedicated workshop 5001 “Global Pathways to Net Zero: Behavioral, Social, and Technological Research and Innovation Strategies for Transportation Decarbonization” – sponsored by TRB ICC.
Looking ahead, the 8th EU-US Transportation Research Symposium on “Digital Transitions to the Future Transportation”, will be held in Brussels, Belgium, on June 11-12, 2025. Stay tuned for updates! #TransportationDecarbonizsation #EUUSCollaboration #EUReport #SYMPEUSproject