TRA VISIONS award ceremonies recording and book

On the 29th of September, the TRA VISIONS partners held the remote TRA VISIONS 2020 award ceremony. The ceremony was a great success with more than 150 participants online.

Senior Researchers Competition

The TRAVISIONS 2020 Senior Researcher Competition received 81entries from researchers based in 20 countries from all over Europe. Entries were submitted for the five transport modes road, rail, airborne, waterborne and cross-modality.

The Senior awards were presented to leading transport researchers to recognise their contribution to their mode of transport based on EU funded projects.

Press release TRA VISIONS 2020 Senior Researchers

Young Researchers Competition

The TRA VISIONS 2020 Young Researchers Competition awarded prizes sponsored by industry: ERTRAC for the road mode, Shift2rail for the rail mode, Deep Blue and SAFRAN for the airborne mode, WATERBORNE TP for the waterborne mode and ALICE and UITP for cross-modality.

Overall, 207 young researchers from 91 different European universities and 24 EU countries participated in the TRA VISIONS 2020 Young Researcher Competition and submitted their ideas for the transport modes of road, rail, airborne, waterborne and cross-modality.

Press release TRA VISIONS 2020 Young Researchers

Congratulations to all the researchers! Thank you for your contribution to the European Research Area.

You can now (re)watch the event recording.

You also download the TRA VISIONS 2020 book. This book includes the abstracts of all the project ideas submitted for evaluation to the TRAVISIONS 2020 competitions.

ECTRI is partner in the TRA VISIONS 2020 consortium together with ECTRI Members CERTH-HIT, VTI and VTT.