ECTRI contributes to the EC Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy 

The Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy is part of the European Green Deal and will develop a roadmap towards the mobility of the future.

ECTRI welcomes the European Commission’s efforts to set up such strategy. It states that unfortunately past target commitments to reduce GHG emissions from the transport sector have never been reached, and that the EU is not on track to meet the targets set in the current 2011 Transport White Paper.

ECTRI suggests to establish a robust multidisciplinary research agenda on transport, social cohesion and sustainable development, that can provide the Green Deal with the necessary knowledge basis to undertake a disruptive revision of these failed paradigms, and put the European transport policy on track towards sustainability. There is an urgent need to learnt from the past, undertake a better understanding of the current drivers of economic development in Europe and their incompatibility with the sustainable transport paradigm, and to identify how transport demand in Europe can be curbed down to sustainable levels while improving the economic competitiveness and social cohesion.

Read ECTRI’s position and recommendation here: