Join the SHOW Stakeholder Forum!

Are you active in the field of autonomous urban mobility?

Are you interested in participating in one of the largest ever European projects on Connected & Cooperative Autonomous Mobility (CCAM) for public transport?

Join the SHOW Stakeholder Forum!

It will give you the opportunity to:

  • Be invited to large-scale events and workshops organised together with the 69 members of SHOW;
  • Influence SHOW’s progress in helping defining business models, European road maps and policy recommendations according to your needs.

Beyond the large-scale events on demonstration sites, your engagement will also take form of participation in targeted workshops, interviews and surveys, of which the results will contribute to paving the way to the autonomous urban mobility of the future.

The SHOW Consortium is looking forward to meeting you!

ECTRI supports SHOW project, in which ECTRI Members CERTH-HIT, AIT, CDV, VUB-MOBI, NTUA, VTT, VTI and DLR are consortium partners.