TTI announces the selection for Postdoctoral projects

ECTRI Member Transport and Telecommunications Institute (TTI) announces the selection for the third call for research applications under the activity “Post-doctoral Research Aid” organized by The State Education Development Agency.

TTI invites the interested parties to submit project proposals for the following topics till 05.06.2019. (by filling out the form attached below)

Topic 1: Air navigation

Key words: flight management systems; navigation aids; positioning systems  

Topic 2: Cyber physical systems: reliability, performance, optimization, modelling, maintenance

Key words: robotic systems; sensor systems and networks; networked and intelligent embedded systems; cloud computing; IoT

Topic 3: Traffic management in smart cities

Key words: traffic modelling; connected vehicles; digitalization; ICT; IoT

Topic 4: Decision support systems in aviation

Key words: predictive maintenance; smart environment; sensor systems and networks; IoT; AI; AR

The purpose of the Call activity is to develop the skills of new scientists and to increase the scientific capacity, ensuring the possibilities for new scientists to start a career in scientific institutions and with enterprises, as well as improvement of research competencies, renewal of human resources and increase in the number of qualified specialists. Project duration is 3 years with an expect netto salary of ~1550 EUR and additional 800 EUR scholarship to be spend on the research activities. TTI provides co-financing of the projects and support for the PostDoc researcher.

The application form: here

Documents should be sent to / For any additional information:

Girts Eldmanis, Research and development department, Senior project manager;; Phone: +371 67100572

More information regarding the call