New ERTRAC Automated Driving Roadmap

The European Road Transport Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC) has presented its new roadmap on automated driving.

The roadmap describes automated driving as one of the key technologies and major technological advancements influencing and shaping future mobility and quality of life. ERTRAC defines safety, efficiency, comfort, social inclusion and accessibility as the main drivers of this development, arguing that automated driving must therefore take a key role in European Transport policy, since it can support several of its objectives and societal challenges, such as road safety, congestion, decarbonisation, social inclusiveness, etc. As a European Technology Platform, ERTRAC gathers experts from the industry, research providers and public authorities. The first “Automated Driving Roadmap” of ERTRAC was issued in July 2015 and requested a complete update to cope with the many developments that happened since then. The new version presents updated definitions and development paths, an updated list of EU- and international activities, and an extended list of R&D challenges. Read it here.