
Working Group
Soft Research Infrastructures

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The Working Group on Soft Research Infrastructures' mission was the establishment of an European transport research soft infrastructures agenda, notably for libraries, databases, datasets.

Its aims were:

boutonTo establish an European transport research soft infrastructures agenda notably for libraries, databases, ICT networks of works, Visio conferences, … (at the exception of hard facilities)

boutonTo discuss by distinguishing existing, new ones and their interoperability, all the elements contained in an integrated infrastructure initiative such as: opening, access, networking, integrating survey on adaptation or new needs and the scope of these elements

boutonTo define the areas which are the most suitable for integration and their role in front of the European and international excellence of ECTRI networks as a whole

DLR was moderator of this Working Group and DVS, CDV, INRETS, KTI, TØI and UPM participated in this activity.

ECTRI researchers community can access to the Working Group 4 database on Soft Research Infrastructures.



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