
About ECTRI - Objectives

sous titre

ECTRI's strive to meet the need for consultation, consistency and integration in the building of a European Transport Research Area. The main vision of ECTRI is to work towards a Single European Transport System which will be safe and secure, efficient, cost effective, environment friendly and truly multi-modal in the Europe of the future.

ECTRI is committed to provide the scientifically based competence, knowledge and advice necessary to move towards its vision.

The core values of ECTRI are intellectual independence, transparency and scientific excellence.

Beyond this overall vision, ECTRI's goals within the European Research Area are as follows:

BoutonTo be a closely knit and institutionalised network of competence centres within European transport planning and research

Bouton To be the foremost representative of European transport research institutes and an important platform for a cross-cutting, mode-neutral outlook on transport planning and policy

BoutonTo include among its members the foremost centres of excellence in multimodal transport research within their respective European countries

Bouton To be a preferred scientific partner of dialogue to the European Commission in matters related to transport planning and policy

Bouton To develop and support leading and widely recognised channels of dissemination of transport research results (as the European Transport Research Review - ETRR)

Bouton To support and assist its members in becoming, within their respective countries, the most active and successful contributors to the European Union’s framework programmes of research

Bouton To be perceived globally, in view of the achievement of the above, as a legitimate and respected representative of the European transport research community

ECTRI has published a Strategic Paper defining more in details its missions.




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